World Environment Day theme of “Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience,”
5 June 2024. In our ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship, our lovely Team in Bamenda stepped out for a tree planting mission to make a positive impact on our beautiful planet. This initiative aligns with this year’s World Environment Day theme of “Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience,” highlighting the urgent need to protect and restore our natural landscapes.
Why are trees so vital in this mission?
Land Restoration: Trees play a crucial role in restoring degraded land by preventing soil erosion, improving soil fertility, and enhancing biodiversity.
Desertification: By planting trees, we combat desertification by creating green spaces that help retain soil moisture, prevent sand encroachment, and support ecosystem stability.
Drought Resilience: Trees act as natural water filters, helping to regulate water cycles, reduce water runoff, and improve groundwater recharge, thus enhancing drought resilience in our communities.
Every tree we plant today is a gift to future generations, a symbol of hope, and a pledge to protect our planet.
Join us in our mission to Make it Greener, one tree at a time!
Southwest region came together for the Southwest Regional Local Conference of Youths (SWLCOY)
31 May 2024, the energy was electric as passionate youths from across the Southwest region came together for the Southwest Regional Local Conference of Youths (SWLCOY), an initiative of Youngo. Our voices united, our spirits high, we delved deep into discussions and shared ideas to combat climate change and build a sustainable future for all.
At Make it Greener NGO, we are immensely proud to see the commitment and dedication of the young leaders who gathered to address critical issues such as climate justice, climate finance, and adaptation. Together, we explored innovative solutions and pathways towards a greener, more sustainable world.
The power of collaboration was on full display as individuals and organizations came together to amplify our collective impact. From thought-provoking discussions to practical initiatives, SWLCOY 2024 was a beacon of hope and inspiration for all those who strive to make a difference.
As we reflect on the conversations and connections made today, let us carry the momentum forward. Let’s continue to advocate for change, to push boundaries, and to work tirelessly towards a more sustainable and equitable future for generations to come.
Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can make the world greener.

World Water Day.

22 March 2024, on World Water Day, we embarked on a mission of education and empowerment in the Bomaka community. Our team visited water areas to spread awareness about the vital importance of water in our lives. Under this year’s theme, ‘Water for Peace,’ we highlighted the value of maintaining peaceful, eco-friendly habits around water sources.

We urged community members to cherish their water areas by avoiding littering and conflicts, fostering a harmonious environment for all. Armed with impactful messages on stickers, we adorned every water spot, ensuring a constant reminder of our shared responsibility towards water conservation.

During our visit, we discovered a precious natural water source in dire need of attention. Overflowing with garbage, this pristine source poses a health risk to the community, exposing them to waterborne diseases. Our resolve is stronger than ever as we gear up for our next mission—to safeguard this invaluable resource and protect the well-being of the Bomaka community.

International Day Of Forest

21 march 2024 World Forest day we are so excited to announce the successful conclusion of our groundbreaking project “Championing Forest and Trees Protection”. Through series of sustainable advocacy initiatives, we have been at the forefront of efforts to safeguard our invaluable forests and trees.

📢 Amidst impactful media campaigns featuring captivating visuals, enlightening video lessons, engaging online webinars, and a special session on HI TV, we have strived to raise awareness and educate the public about the importance of preserving our natural environment.

Our journey in close Collaboration with Eco-NetworGlobal and UB SDG HUB led us to the enchanting Bonakanda community, nestled at the base of majestic Mount Cameroon. This oasis of nature serves as a poignant reminder of the beauty and significance of our forests. It was our mission to connect with community members and farmers, inspiring them to cherish and protect the precious trees that surround them.

 Green Valentine at Mountain Kids Orphanage

This Valentine’s Day 14th February 2024, Make it Greener had a heartwarming and impactful celebration at Mountain Kids Orphanage! 🌟 We spent the day with the children, spreading love not just for each other, but for our precious environment too. 🌍❤️
We empowered the kids with knowledge on how to care for our planet by adopting sustainable habits like reducing plastic use, proper waste disposal, planting trees, and educating others. 🌳🌱 Together, we played fun environmental games like the waste segregation game to make learning enjoyable! 🎲♻️
In the spirit of love and giving, Make it Greener shared gifts and donated various fruit trees — orange, pawpaw, plum, pear, and guava — to the orphanage. 🎁🍊🌳
Let’s continue nurturing a greener tomorrow by sowing seeds of love and environmental stewardship today!

Celebrating International Day of Education with Make it Greener NGO!

24 January 2024, our passionate team members embarked on a special mission to spread knowledge and inspire young minds in the heart of Buea municipality. It was an incredible experience as we celebrated the International Day of Education with students from various schools. 🎉
Under the inspiring theme “Learning for Lasting Peace,” we engaged with the students, emphasizing the paramount importance of education in their lives and the profound impact it has on society as a whole. 💡🌱
We wholeheartedly conveyed to these bright minds that education is not only the key to unlocking their individual potentials but also a powerful force for nurturing peace within their communities and the world. By fostering a culture of learning and understanding, we can create a harmonious society where conflicts are resolved through dialogue and empathy. 🤝✨
In addition to embracing the spirit of education, we also provided valuable career guidance. Our team shared insights on various fields of study and highlighted potential job opportunities that align with each student’s passion and skills. We firmly believe that when education is combined with purposeful career choices, it can pave the way for a brighter and sustainable future. 🚀💼
At Make it Greener NGO, we are committed to creating a world where education thrives, nurturing young minds, and cultivating a sense of responsibility towards our planet. 🌍🌿
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the students, teachers, and schools that welcomed us with open arms. Your enthusiasm and eagerness to learn inspire us immensely. Together, let’s make education a transformative force that not only enriches our lives but also shapes a peaceful and sustainable tomorrow.

Inspiring Youths for Sustainable Development and Volunteerism! 

20 January 2024, Make it Greener NGO hosted a groundbreaking seminar with a truly unique theme: “Inspiring Youths for Sustainable Development and Volunteerism.” 🌱🙌
Our organization is passionate about empowering and educating young minds when it comes to the concepts of volunteerism and sustainable development. Through this seminar, we aimed to ignite a spark within the hearts of the youth, teaching them the true essence of sustainability, and fostering their understanding of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 💡🌎
We firmly believe that the future belongs to our young generation, and it is crucial for them to recognize the role they can play in achieving a sustainable future. During the seminar, we delved into various topics, such as:
🌿 Exploring the meaning of sustainability and sustainable development.
🎯 Understanding the UN Sustainable Development Goals and their significance.
🤝 Unveiling the diverse roles that youths can undertake to contribute to the attainment of these goals.
💚 Exploring the power and potential of volunteerism.
🙏 Discovering different forms and the countless advantages of volunteering.
By equipping our volunteers with knowledge and inspiration, we are confident that we are shaping a generation of change-makers who will lead the way towards a greener, more sustainable future. 🌿🌍
We believe that every individual has the power to make a difference, and our seminar served as a platform for the youth to discover their unique strengths and talents while channeling them towards positive action. Together, we can create a world where sustainability thrives, and volunteerism becomes a way of life. 🤝💚
A heartfelt thank you to all the participants and volunteers who joined us in this incredible journey towards a greener, more sustainable future. Let’s continue to inspire and empower one another as we work hand in hand for a better tomorrow. Join us in our mission to Make it Greener! 🌿💚

“Youth Engagement in Environmental Protection.” 13 January 2024, we embarked on a vital mission to the Wonya Mavio community water catchment.

We’re thrilled to kick off the year 2024 with a remarkable achievement! Make it Greener is proud to announce the successful completion of the third phase of our project, “Youth Engagement in Environmental Protection.” Today, we embarked on a vital mission to the Wonya Mavio community water catchment.

At the heart of our mission is the advocacy, education, and engagement of youths and communities in protecting our precious environment. The Wonya Mavio water catchment is not only the largest but also the purest and most natural source of water for this community and neighboring areas.

With utmost dedication, we gathered our passionate team and took on the challenge of cleaning up this essential water catchment. Our efforts included removing plastic waste that had accumulated in the area, clearing away overgrown grass that threatened the catchment’s cleanliness, and ensuring its pristine condition.

🌱✨ Make it Greener: Phase Two – Engaging Youth in Environmental Protection – Sensitization and Cleanup Campaign in Mile 18 community Buea! 🌍🌿

Saturday 9th, December 2023  marked an incredible milestone in our mission to create a cleaner and greener world. With hearts filled with enthusiasm and boundless energy, our dedicated volunteers gathered for the second phase of “Youth Engagement in Environmental Protection” in the vibrant community of Mile 18, BUEA!

Our passionate team rallied together, spreading out like a force of nature, to tackle the plastic waste that had found its way into every nook and cranny of the community. From households to shops, public spaces to schools, we were on a mission to educate and inspire change. 

Armed with knowledge and compassion, we visited local homes, schools, and businesses, engaging with community members and individuals to shed light on the true impact of a dirty environment. We discussed the harmful effects of waste and, more importantly, empowered them with practical tips on how to properly manage and dispose of their waste.

But it didn’t stop there! We also had the incredible opportunity to visit a renowned school within the community, where we had the pleasure of educating the young minds of tomorrow. We taught the pupils the importance of caring for our environment and, together, we embarked on a cleaning mission within their school grounds. Seeing their faces light up with excitement and understanding was an absolute joy!

🌿🌍 Make it Greener: Youth Engagement in Environmental Protection 🌍🌿

7 December 2023 .In collaboration with the Buea Council, the Community Network for Advocacy, the Delegation of Environment, MINJEC, and the American Corner UB, we organized an impactful seminar that took the first step towards empowering and inspiring the next generation of environmental guardians. Over 150 passionate youths gathered at this extraordinary event with a shared mission: taking action to protect our precious planet.

The seminar was an absolute blockbuster, filled to the brim with invaluable lessons on environmental protection. Attendees delved into topics such as the laws governing environmental preservation, the implementation of good environmental practices, and effective waste management techniques. We also explored how young people can actively take the lead in safeguarding our environment for a sustainable future. 🌱

The energy and enthusiasm at the seminar were truly remarkable, reflecting the dedication of our youth to making a positive difference. We are incredibly proud of their commitment and are confident that they will become the driving force behind transformative change in their communities.

🌟🌍🌿Make it Greener: Empowering Communities Through Environmental Action🌿

On the occasion of the International, Day 5 Dec 2023 of Volunteerism, Make it Greener, in collaboration with the Delegation of Youth Affairs and Civic Education and the Delegation of Environment, Nature, and Sustainable Development, organized a grand celebration at the Regional Multipurpose Youth Empowerment Center. The event aimed to recognize and honor the remarkable efforts and contributions of volunteers in nation-building and community development throughout the year.

The highlight of the event was the tree-planting activity, which perfectly aligned with one of Our core objectives. Recognizing the crucial role that planting trees plays in environmental protection, the entire Make it Greener team enthusiastically participated in this significant endeavor. With shovels in hand and determination in their hearts, they planted a multitude of trees, symbolizing their commitment to combating deforestation, preserving biodiversity, and mitigating climate change.

On the 1st of December 2023 MAKE IT GREENER NGO took part in the fight against HIV and AIDS with theme
“Let communities lead”

MIG NGO partnered with the delegation for youths and civic education of the southwest region [MINJEC] alongside the Regional hospital of BUEA. They had a street walk to sensitize members of the community about the dangers of HIV AND AID and also how to live health for those who are affected. Members MIG NGO also participated in the free HIV SCREENING and encouraged other members of the community to get them self’s checked


Make It Greener (MIG) took it as one of its projects to plant trees, as tree planting is one of the major ways to curb this climate crisis our planet faces today. May 17 was accepted to execute this project at this Government institution.

40 trees available were given to forty different students to plant. Each student was asked to give a name to the tree he or she planted. A number of them named the trees after their name, while others gave fantastic names t their trees. They were also asked to carter for the trees till they can survive on their own. We also assured them that we will be visiting at certain intervals(every after 3 months) to ensure they are taking good care of the trees. This exercise ended with Make It Greener motivating the students that planted the trees with token of cash to enable them take proper care of the trees.

Teenagers reproductive health education carried at Njimafor Bamenda on 1st July 2022

 Reproductive health education for teenagers in africa communities is a taboo topic of discussion among parents and their children and this has led to social ills like; Unwanted pregnancies, Menstrual stigmatization, Transmission of STDs, Sexual Exploitation. In an effort to address these ills, we carried out a reproductive health education with 52 girls (13 to 18 years) of Njimafor Catholic schools with the objective of empowering them with knowledge on Menstruation, Menstrual hygiene and Menstrual cycle .Distribution of school needs to the less privileged and internally displaced (IDPs) pupils around the Tiko municipality on the 27th August 2022.Make It Greener(MIG) executed a project by extending a helping hand and impacting the lives of some less privileged and IDP pupils with school needs for the school year 2022/2023. This event took place at Amen Solid Foundation Tiko. The Triumphant Ladies Tiko helped us figure out the less privileged and IDPs in Tiko and its environs beforehand.

Make It Greener (MIG) at Cameroon Foster Care Center (CAHECAM), an orphanage in the Limbe II municipality, situated in mokindi near the Limbe omnisport stadium.

On Wednesday 16 March 2022, the Make It Greener delegated members around Limbe to visit the orphanage. Impacting lives is one of our objectives, therefore, it was indeed fulfilling and exciting reaching out to this vulnerable children

Clean up campaign Limbe streets march 2022

Good deed day participation in Limbe, April 2022. 

         Good Deeds Day is an annual tradition of doing good, where hundreds of thousands of people around the world choose to volunteer and help others every day, putting into practice the simple idea that every single person can do something good, be it large or small, to improve the lives of others and positively change the world.This day of community service was launched in 2007 in Israel by businesswoman and philanthropist, Shari Arison, through Ruach Tova, a Non-profit organization that connects people who want to volunteer and organizations in need of assistance. Cameroon happens to be one of those countries that celebrate good deeds day. In Cameroon, a number of non-profit organizations come together to celebrate this memorable day.Make It greener wasprivileged to be part of this year’s 2022 good deeds day celebration in Cameroon, south west region chapter along with other non-profit organizations. The celebration here took place on Friday 1st April 2022, at prime bilingual nursery and primary school Mukundange, Limbe II subdivision south west region of Cameroon. It was our first ever opportunity to participate in this life blowing celebration. This year’s celebration ended with us planting trees on the host’s school campus – doing good to our environment.